The Global Science Innovation summit gathers the brightest minds, academics, and activists from across the globe every year to share ideas and insights. This year, we're opening up the invitation to include a wider range of organizations and individuals.
please contact us per email for any further quuestions about Global summit 2023!
cssummit2023@ccbangladash.orgThe logo of CC Global Summit 2015 was decided through the logo competition from 8, June to 7, July. After online public voting and Selection Committee’s judging process, the logo from Naresh Agrawal won the prize. After consultation with Mr. Agrawal, we optimized the prize-winning-logo for this year’s summit as follows:.
Take a look at the last two Global summit. Which took place in Around the world.
Global summit 2022 in vanis italy
Global summit 2021 in Melborn Australia